Celebrate the end times with your Gorillas!

Pack your bags, brothers & sisters! The Rapture is here!!! And what will God's favorite Rhythm & Blues band be doing when the end of the world comes this weekend??? The only thing we know how to do, Methuselah. Kicking ass as usual!

The word is that Satan will be given dominion for 42 months on earth............ Yeeeah!!!!

I gotta party with that dude!!!

Now I know that some of you (though not many) will be departing earth for cloudier climes up north on Saturday. As for the rest of you (in fact most of you) there will be a hot time in the ol' town tonight!

There will be 4 (count 'em) times that you can celebrate the end times with your favorite primates THE GAS HOUSE GORILLAS!!!

Let all those goody two shoes float up into the sky. Who needs 'em???

All those rules...GOOD RIDDANCE!!!

This weekend only the sexy people will remain.


Joe Gorilla, esq. {:8())-

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